About Me

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I am the girl that sits in the corner and read a book. I am the girl that spends most of her free time reading, writing, or doing other activities that most teenagers wouldn't call normal. I am the girl that doesn't spend all her time on MySpace,or talking to a girlfriend on a cellphone or regular phone. I am the girl that has stopped to smell the flowers and jump and splash in the rain. BUT I am also the girl who knows and is proud to be who she is, doesn’t care if people call her different, who loves reading and writing and doing the things that no one seems to have the time to do any more, who loves and is obsessed with alot of things, who can express herself better with words than actions, who doesn't need a guy to complete her, and knows the importance of the little things.

My Music

Monday, April 26, 2010

Black Pearl.

1. I think the Sevillano will survive, because he is the only enemy that actually is proven in the story. He will probably survive and try to steal the Pearl of Heaven from the Madonna. This is what I think.

I think Ramon's father will not come back because maybe the author will make that for changing Ramon. Usually the death of a family member changes a person, for better or for worse. I think Ramon's father's death will be an obstacle the author planned for Ramon.

2. I think Luzon came to Ramon because to tell him that the Manta Diablo has taken its revenge on Ramon and will soon come after him. Luzon has constantly warned Ramon to throw the Pearl away and tries to tell Ramon again.

I think Luzon's motive is to keep Ramon alive. I think so because Ramon and his father are the only ones who pay him fairly for the pearls he finds and he has a huge family to feed. He wants Ramon alive so he can sell him the pearls, and get enough money for food, clothes, etc for his family. He wants Ramon alive because Ramon and his father pay good for his pearls.

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Black Pearl - Extended Response.

Our next book is "The Black Pearl" by Scott O'Dell. My question is what is the beliefs of the Manta Diablo by Luzon and Ramon?

Ramon doesn't think the Manta Diablo is a threat and wants to see it. Luzon is terrified of the Manta Diablo and tries to stay away from it as far as possible. One reason for each of them to show their beliefs. For Ramon, it is in Chapter 1, when he talks about the Manta Diablo, and Chapter 6, where he warns Ramon.

The story states, "It was strange long ago I did not believe in the Manta Diablo. When my mother would threaten me I would quietly laugh to myself. I wanted to believe the Manta Diablo was really alive somewhere and that he would come when he was called." This excerpt shows that Ramon is not afraid of the Manta Diablo, but very curious about it and does not think of it much as a threat. I see where he is coming from, but I think he should be more wary of the Manta Diablo. This shows Ramon's belief about the Manta Diablo.

The author wrote, " 'I cannot go to the cave to search for pearls. I cannot go because I fear the Manta Diablo. If you go there, then it is alone. El Diablo cannot blame me.' " This is from the book, this shows how the Indian, Luzon, thinks about the Manta Diablo. I know why Luzon is scared of the Manta Diablo, and it has support, however, he should worry a bit less because it is sure, the Manta Diablo is strong, but there is no proof it has supernatural powers. This shows Luzon's beliefs about the Manta Diablo.
In conclusion, Ramon does not worry about the Manta Diablo, and Luzon is scared of the Manta Diablo. Ramon's support is in Chapter 1, and Luzon's is in Chapter 6. This shows how both Ramon and Luzon think about the Manta Diablo.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Alternate Ending

We had to write a alternate ending for Wrinkle In Time. I will write several quotes and a summary for it.

"-a young human girl, about her age, with blonde, almost white hair and bright green eyes."

" 'What are you?' demanded Meg. The girl smiled. 'What had four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening?' "

The story continues normally until Chapter 11, when Meg was talking to Aunt Beast. She meets, Arianna Jane, a girl like Charles Wallace and Mrs. Whatsit, Who and Which. They talk for a while, and when Meg decides to go back to Camozotz, Arianna goes with her. They run into trouble with the residents and was chased around the city. Several people helped them, but they were caught.

"Meg and Arianna hid under the door, shivering. 'Do you think they caught us?' Meg asked. Arianna shrugged. 'I do not know. What I do know, is that we should thank them.' Arianna nodded towards the boys. 'Thank you very much.' One boy smiled. 'No problem, someone needed to cause trouble here for once.' Suddenly, they heard pounding above them. They froze. Arianna stood up slowly, crouching a bit while one of the boys picked up a block of debris. They door slowly opened and there was a guard, and behind him, there was the girl from earlier."

Arianna finally used some of her powers, which is understanding and manipulating the elements, and escapes. Meg and Arianna finally reach Central Central Intelligence which where they face another block. The guards try and succeed to capture Meg. Arianna start to search for Meg while the guards try to brainwash her.

Meg manages to defend her mind from IT when Arianna comes in the room. She heads for IT while Meg tries to break the spell over Charles Wallace. They struggle, then succeed, but the Dark Thing appears and goes through Arianna.

"A black cloud formed above them, and Arianna felt coldness seeped into her very bones."

She is controlled for a while but Charles Wallace, Meg, and Arianna manages to drive The Dark Thing away. Charles Wallace tessers them back to Earth and into the Murry garden. They meet up with Mr. Murry, Calvin, Dennys, Sandy, and Mrs. Murry. They hug and talk and Mrs. Whatsit, Who, and Which appear to tell them something. They disappeared and Arianna was turning into fog. She waves good bye and supposedly follows after Mrs. Who, Whatsit, and Which.

Monday, April 5, 2010


Wrinkle In Time

Another Post. I have to pick four characters to admire and why.

I admire Charles Wallace.

I admire him because of his intelligence. He, at a young age is very smart. I know I am in the middle, but he is at the high end of the stick. I envy his mind and power. When I mean power, I mean mental power. He is smart enough not to fall in any traps and is mentally powerful enough to block the red eyed man's mind attack. I also wish I had the courage to give up myself, to allow myself to be controlled, to find my own father. I admire Charles's intelligence, mental power, and courage.

I admire Calvin.

I admire him because of his determination. His will is strong and I envy that. He wants to protect Meg and Charles very much and I envy that feeling. Calvin's determination is strong enough to follow Meg, Charles, and three unnknown, ominous, ladies to an unknown place. I admire Calvin for his determination and his will.

I admire Meg.

I admire her because of her passion and she is strongwilled. She fights against bullies and doesnt let them hurt her that much. She is passionate enough to search another world to find her missing father. I envy her passion and determination. She would fight boys older than her because they insulted Charles Wallace, her little brother. I envy that. I admire Meg's passion and strength.

I admire Mrs. Murry.

I admire her because even though her love of her life is missing, unknown, and might even be dead, she still doesn't let it drag her down. She manages her children great and doesn't let nasty rumors her hurt. I envy the way rumors don't bother her and that she can still live somewhat normally even though she misses her husband terribly. She doesn't cry in front of her children, and I think she is great for that. She can seem like she is okay, even though her heart is broken. I admire Mrs. Murry because of her strength.